Slightly eventful weekend. Friday I shot up to Cisco Grove near Truckee to get a little river fishing in and try out some new Panther Martin spinners. I was manuevering over some rocks near the bank when I slipped and took a pretty good spill. All of my dainty frame right onto my right knee and a wonderful array of granite rocks. I was also holding onto my fishing pole in my left hand and I must've smacked it pretty good as well (see x-ray at left). Yep, my first official broken bone in 42 years (I think I broke my ribs back when I was a teenager, but never got 'em looked at, so they don't count). Ouch, yes, it's my drawing hand, but luckily I can still type and move a pencil. I just look more proper with my splinted pinky jutting straight out. :)
The more worrisome topic is my knee. Thankfully nothing was broken there, but I think I have some ligament and/or tendon damage; can't put any weight on it. And to move my calf left or right? Yacheewawa. I'll know more when I see the orthopedist this next week. Suddenly I find myself a pathetic invalid in my own house. I was able to drive myself home from the fishing trip, using my right hand under my knee to help get me lift my foot on the needed pedals, but once I got home, the swelling made it near impossible to get out of the car. My wife, bless her heart, jetted straight home as soon as I called her. After a trip to the ER, I'm splinted and braced, hobbling around on crutches. I'll post more on it once I've seen the doc.
Oh my! That sounds horrible! I haven't broken any bones in my 25 years and hoping to keep it that way..
I have, however, fallen and landed with all my weight on my left knee. THAT hurt. I still have a numb dead spot on my skin at the point of impact. I had it x-rayed after it happened.. no broken bits, but feels like some nerve damage and I had crutches for a week or two.
Here's to speedy healing! (Especially in the drawing hand!)
Thanks Amanda!
Wow, graceful! Hope you heal soon, we need a teacher!
Ooucch!! I feel the pain!!! I hope you get better soon. Take care.
Monica V.
Thanks, Moni. Hope you are well.
oh my gosh. knee's are not fun to hurt. neither are fingers. but who would say, "oh but elbows and noses are wonderful things to hurt . . ." all that to say hurting your self is never fun.
oh another note - might i say HOW incredibly cool your artwork is. the whole buttons thing got me so excited. i really want to make same. what would i do with 100 1" buttons? CHRISTMAS buttons instead of cards. oh yeah.
and might i add one more thing, i really like the way you write. the word choice just makes it so entertaining to read.
Thank you, Dana.
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